Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Rain

Thunder threatens high above the skies...
Nothing but heat, grim,and dust surrounds us,
For months and endless weeks.
The heavens darken,
With the promise of rain --
Birds chirp,
And squirrels warn each other.

The dogs wait in anticipation.
The end to dog day afternoons.
They wait, listening to the skies
To and fro their ears scan the parameter.

A cool breeze enters,
Teasing us as it circles around.
Then, everything comes to a stand still.

A quiet stillness...

Slowly, the heavens open,
And the skies let go.

First drops of the season,
The sweetest of them all.
The earth mingles with the cold water.
Engulfing our senses.
Brightening all things green,
Along with our spirits.
First rain.

Photo: / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0